How do we get rid of grief after letting it be known? That is, He has also shown the way to get rid of misery and find eternal happiness.
Siddhartha, the king’s son, is called “Buddha” because he attained such true enlightenment, i.e. “Buddha status”. What is that “self-effort” that leads to the supreme enlightenment of becoming a Buddha? That is the insight meditation that he discovered. Yes, the reason for his attaining Buddhahood is “meditation”.
Meditation is now much admired by the people of the world. A wide variety of people seek to train in meditation, regardless of nationality, language, or gender.
Meditation is to control the mind which wanders here and there uncontrollably. In other words, the mind is the catalyst for the implementation of all the things (good and bad) that we do. Meditation is the act of purifying such a mind and bringing it under control.
Meditation is knowing the nature of the mind that is the cause of all sorrows and joys and engaging it in one’s daily life. According to the rules shown by Lord Buddha, those who engage in meditation seriously can achieve samadhi and achieve the good end (panna) of wisdom.