Metta Bhavana Meditation (Compassion)
  1. May I be free from hatred, may I be free from oppression, may I be free from trouble, May I take care of myself and be happy.
  2. And like myself, may my teacher, preceptor, mother, father, Those who are benefactors, those who are neutral, (and) those who are enemies, Be free from hatred, free from oppression, free from trouble, May they take care of themselves and be happy, may they be free from suffering, being ones who own their actions, may they not lose whatever prosperity they have gained.
  3. In this living place, in this alms village, in this town, in this America, in this Island of (Sri) Lanka, in this Rose-Apple Island (i.e. India), in this Universe, May the leaders of the people, the gods within these boundaries, (and) all beings, Be free from hatred, free from oppression, free from trouble, May they take care of themselves and be happy, may they be free from suffering, being ones who own their actions, may they not lose whatever prosperity they have gained.
  4. In in the Eastern direction, in the Southern direction, in the Western direction, in the Northern direction, In the South-Eastern direction, in the South-West direction, in the North-West direction, in the North-East direction, In the lower direction, in the upper direction, May all creatures, all breathing creatures, all beings, All persons, all individuals, May all women, all men, All those who are Noble, all those who are not (yet) Noble, All gods, all human beings, all who have fallen (into the lower worlds), Be free from hatred, free from oppression, free from trouble, May they take care of themselves and be happy, may they be free from suffering, being ones who own their actions, may they not lose whatever prosperity they have gained.